Hey see it's ME.......

Yesterday while surfing internet i came across some amazing lines "move away sun,give me some sky".I thought to elaborate it and so did i.Just added myself to it and here it is.These lines can come up with a refreshing thought of never giving up.If it succeeds to do so,person that will be happy will surely be me.
Move away Sun,

              Give me some sky.

I have the wings,

               I want to fly.

My glass is half full,

               I'm never gonna cry.

Neither gonna quit,

               Nor saying a bye.

I wish for sky,

                My wishes are high.

I have the power,

                 then who will defy?

Won't return undone,

                  My presence imply.

I'm gonna stand still,

                   Not just pass by.

Stronger than diamond,

                   My hopes never die.

Kis chakki ka aata khata hu?

                   Don't you wanna spy?

Move away sun,

                    Give me some sky.

I have  the wings,

                     I want to fly.


  1. @ meera:
    thnx to visit...
    btw base is frm u..:)

  2. Nice one.... :) (Hindi-English ki khichdi was used pehli baar I guess :D )

  3. Nice one Arvind... Keep pouring your feelings in your words like this!

  4. @anwesa:
    thnx fr ur visit...
    yeah its feeling all dat matters :)..
    @ vidit bhaiya:
    all inspiration frm u, ur blog :)
