The very first thought!

Whenever you see an unclaimed property, what is the first thought in you mind [If you noticed that item and if the thing is nice :D]  "Who left this here?" and certainly you want to look around for the probable owner. Somehow there is a joy if nobody is likely to be the one :D. Now the next thing is the courage of touching it. You slowly move towards it and at the last moment two persons pop out of your head "Evil" and "Angel"
So what does Evil say [his words are precise and will not confuse you in any sense] "If that person does not care then why do you, come on! come on! take it"
And now the Angel one starts murmuring in its defense "You are not the real owner, this thing does not belong to you. Don't touch it!"
Evil insists and give a logic - "Now-a-days no one cares about anyone else, if you were the owner it would have gone by now, go on pick it up you fool. If you won't, then some one else would."
Angel now touches a nerve - "You would be sad if your precious thing had lost in such a way, so don't do such thing which you don't expect for yourself, so don't take it."

And it goes on, now you need to decide which side you want to be on and somehow it matters how early you choose your side.

So the very first thought matters a lot.

What I stated as Evil might not be the "Evil" in many cases and hence it makes the differences.
Somehow even if you don't pick that object yet the time taken in deciding matters. Many times your actions are not everything that represents you, self satisfaction matters.

After 4 months

In last four months a lot of things happened, while I was away from my blog. I got placed in "Adobe Systems India". Stayed at home for a lot more days than anytime in last six years. Things got changed really fast. Brand new dreams. "Aj main upar" kind of songs always in mind :D. Ultimately its an awesome feeling when you know that you need not to worry after your college for any job, future is secure kind of thing.
So here I'm back on my blog, I hope I'll share my experiences of these four special months and who knows it may turn out to be ray of hope for someone or bad joke for others or an opportunity to express feelings for someone else. In total, it all needs to be expressed. Life is full of surprises.
Wish you all a happy life.

p.s. I got a new signature tag line for my e-mail and it states "Be curious! To life!"

The politician, who made no money

देशवासिओं ज़रा इन्हें भी याद कर लीजियेगा ये है माननीय लाल बहादुर शास्त्री जी | शास्त्री जी का जन्म भी २ अक्टूबर १९०४ में ही हुआ था | हम आज़ादी के बाद से वाही इतिहास पढ़ रहे है जो कांग्रेस ने दिखाया इसलिए ही हम आज इन सरलता और सादगी की मूर्ति को शायद भूल गए | इन्होने ही जय जवान जय किसान का नारा दिया था | देशवासिओं पे शर्म है जो सिर्फ दिखाए हुए इतिहास के कारण किसी को याद करते है | मुझे तो गर्व है की मै आज माननीय शास्त्री जी को याद कर रहा हूँ प्रातः काल पर आप शायद अभी भी अँधेरे में सो रहे है | माननीय लाल बहादुर शास्त्री जी की जयंती पर एसे आदर्श स्वरुप को शत-शत नमन करता हूँ | जय हिंद जय भारत |